Wednesday, September 30, 2015

Accountability to God

The earth is the Lord’s, and all its fullness; the world and those who dwell therein.” Psalm 24:1
This psalm reminds us of our origin. We were made by God. I write books and all my books contain a copyright containing my name. I write books with a purpose – to glorify God. They do not bring Him much glory in the hands of some people, however. Sometimes they are given as gifts to people who don’t read them. The books still glorify God, but it is the people who miss the point.
God made us and the gift of the world around us. He did it all for His own glory. That people who were made by Him do not glorify Him does not diminish His glory or His purpose. But ultimately God, unlike me, will call to account all who have been created to explain what they have done with His glory. Since nature alone cannot teach man what his full accountability to God is; it is the Christ mandated duty of believers to relay that truth. That is, in fact, part of our own accountability.

Dear Father, Fill us with Your Spirit to fulfill the great commission. Amen.

Abundant Grace can be found at my website, You can subscribe to this daily devotion and receive it free M-F simply by placing your email address on the sidebar to follow this blog by email. You can also find Quality Christian Books on my website plus fundraising opportunities for your Christian organization or youth group.

Tuesday, September 29, 2015

Nature is Half a Missionary

There is no speech nor language where there voice is not heard.” Psalm 19:3
One careful look at nature, its scope, its power, its order, and its intricacy clearly reveal the hand of there being but one Creator, God the Father Almighty, maker of heaven and earth. Paul states in Romans 1 that a simple view of nature leaves everyone without excuse for not worshipping the one true God. The psalmist says there is no land or language where the clear voice of nature fails to declare the glory of God.
What nature cannot reveal, however, is the full redemption story of the Father sending the Son to be the Savior of the world. For that message to be known God has charged us to add our voices to His in the proclamation of His great love for mankind in sending His Son to die for our sins. Creation proclaims His glory and we, His new creation, proclaim the Gospel story.

Dear Father, Help us gladly proclaim Christ as Your creation boldly proclaims Your glory. Amen. 

Abundant Grace can be found at my website, You can subscribe to this daily devotion and receive it free M-F simply by placing your email address on the sidebar to follow this blog by email. You can also find Quality Christian Books on my website plus fundraising opportunities for your Christian organization or youth group.

Monday, September 28, 2015

Missions in the Psalms

Why do the heathen rage?” “Kiss the Son lest He be angry and you perish in the way.” Psalm 2:1 & 12
The Law, Genesis through Deuteronomy, clearly declared the missionary call that the message of salvation was for the whole earth. Salvation, as Jesus said in John 4, was from the Jews, but it was not just for the Jews. It was for all mankind who are introduced in Psalm 2 as “the heathen”. They, and the Jews together, raged against God’s divine plan for mankind.
Their raging, however, has no effect on God’s plan or His purposeful will in accomplishing that plan. He did not send the Son into the world to condemn the world, but that the world through Him might be saved. Therefore this psalm ends with the grand invitation – come to the Son, embrace Him as your Friend and be saved lest you perish and face only the wrath of God. “Blessed are they who trust in Him.” Psalm 2:12

Dear Father, Strengthen us as we carry the message of Christ to others. Amen.

Abundant Grace can be found at my website, You can subscribe to this daily devotion and receive it free M-F simply by placing your email address on the sidebar to follow this blog by email. You can also find Quality Christian Books on my website plus fundraising opportunities for your Christian organization or youth group.

Friday, September 25, 2015

Missionaries by Simple Obedience

Therefore be careful to observe all the {commandments} in the sight of peoples (Gentiles) who will say, ‘Surely this is a wise and understanding people’.” Deuteronomy 4:6
Do you find yourself a little tongue tied when you want to tell others about Jesus? How about if they asked you instead of you initiating the conversation? Today’s passage tells us that our lives of obedience will attract attention and cause people to ask us why we live this way. This same idea is repeated in I Peter where he tells us the world will note our changed lives and ask us why we live this new way?
The Israelites were supposed to be witnesses with their lives which were directed by living according to the Commandments. People would notice them and inquire about God? Our lives are to be a living witness as we live out the pure commandments of God. Our lives are supposed to be the world’s introduction to Christ.

Dear Father, Help us to live as imitators of Christ and be a sweet testimony to others of Your grace. Amen.

The Friday Benediction
Until Monday, my friends, may the good God envelop you with His grace; may you prove the common confession of faith, “I believe in the holy Christian church and in the fellowship of the saints”, and may you be enriched with joy and hope as you exercise that confession this weekend.  Amen

Abundant Grace can be found at my website, You can subscribe to this daily devotion and receive it free M-F simply by placing your email address on the sidebar to follow this blog by email. You can also find Quality Christian Books on my website plus fundraising opportunities for your Christian organization or youth group.

Also check out our new options for publishing your Christian book.
Visit us on Facebook at David Craig’s Books   

Thursday, September 24, 2015

"Home" Missions

So that you and your son and your grandson might fear the Lord.” Deuteronomy 6:2
Jesus has issued the command that we go to the ends of the earth carrying the blessed Gospel of salvation. But He also issued the admonition that there are some nearer at hand to whom we must also bring the Good News. No one exits the womb as a Christian. We all come into this world as lost sinners. God has no grandchildren, but He does have children with grandchildren.
In many years in the ministry I have seen too many children raised in the church and having given a profession of faith, no longer giving either time or care to God. Those children now have children themselves, grandchildren of concerned and faithful believers. We don’t always have to find the lost somewhere across the globe; we can find them at our grandchildren’s house. Jesus warns us not to overlook the spiritual needs of the little children. We need to make sure our missionary effort does not ignore the little children who we can most influence for Christ.

Dear Father, Thank You for grandchildren and help us make sure they know You. Amen.

Abundant Grace can be found at my website, You can subscribe to this daily devotion and receive it free M-F simply by placing your email address on the sidebar to follow this blog by email. You can also find Quality Christian Books on my website plus fundraising opportunities for your Christian organization or youth group.

Also check out our new options for publishing your Christian book.
Visit us on Facebook at David Craig’s Books   

Wednesday, September 23, 2015

Love of Our Neighbor Compels Us to Missions

You shall love your neighbor as yourself.” Leviticus 19:18
How about you? Have you trusted Christ as your personal Savior? Based on your salvation by grace through faith do you look forward to a blessed eternity with Him, an eternity of peace and love and joy? Is that something that you love about your own future? How about your neighbor’s future? Do you love his as much as yours? Do you love your neighbor as yourself?
The Books of the Law (Genesis – Deuteronomy) are not just as set of sacrifices and “thou shalt nots”, they are books that call the followers of Christ to a life of action. Here in Leviticus we find the second great commandment, “love thy neighbor as thyself”.  The Jews were to live a life that was so beautifully different than the lost around them that their neighbors were to want to know about God as well. Missions arises from this passage and continues to compel us to reach others with the hope and joy of the Gospel.

Dear Father, Help me to truly love my neighbor by witnessing to him of eternal hope. Amen 

Abundant Grace can be found at my website, You can subscribe to this daily devotion and receive it free M-F simply by placing your email address on the sidebar to follow this blog by email. You can also find Quality Christian Books on my website plus fundraising opportunities for your Christian organization or youth group.

Also check out our new options for publishing your Christian book.
Visit us on Facebook at David Craig’s Books  

Tuesday, September 22, 2015

The First Commandment Compels Missions

You shall have no other gods before Me.” Exodus 20:3
How many gods can there be whom men might want to set above the God of heaven? The Hindus have over one million different gods, some so minor they are worshipped only in one village or another. The Muslims have but one god, but he is so strangely different from the True God that no one who knows the True God could confuse Him with their god. But these are just things we have created to pose as god.
We also create things that we call good but treat them like a god. We need money to live, but not to devote our lives to gaining or keeping. God told us to take a break from labor and to rest, but we have elevated sports and activities to the level of god. All of this idol worship is condemned by God and brings eternal judgment. Before idol worshippers perish they need to be warned of their fate and told of how to be saved. On Mt. Sinai God established the need for missions.

Dear Father, Help us to worship You only and to warn the lost of their fate. Amen. 

Abundant Grace can be found at my website, You can subscribe to this daily devotion and receive it free M-F simply by placing your email address on the sidebar to follow this blog by email. You can also find Quality Christian Books on my website plus fundraising opportunities for your Christian organization or youth group.

Also check out our new options for publishing your Christian book.
Visit us on Facebook at David Craig’s Books  

Monday, September 21, 2015

The Visible Call to Missions

And the famine was over all the face of the earth.” Genesis 41:56
The media can quickly and daily project images of tragedy after tragedy into our homes and consciences. Unimaginable suffering is taking place all around us. There is a famine of hope and inner peace that rises like a swelling tide across the face of the earth. The vacant eyes of the hurting, the cries of abandoned babies, the visible signs of unspeakable atrocities remind us of one thing – sin is a harsh taskmaster.
All the world is bound under the curse of sin and all the world will ultimately pay the final punishment for that sin – death. But God has provided hope in despair, comfort in sorrow, peace in turmoil, and that hope is Jesus Christ. Why missions? Take one look at the world around us and the question is answered. The world needs hope, peace, comfort, but mostly it needs forgiveness of sins and the promise of eternal life. All those things come only through Jesus Christ.

Dear Father, Help us not to forget the great missionary call of Christ. Amen.

Abundant Grace can be found at my website, You can subscribe to this daily devotion and receive it free M-F simply by placing your email address on the sidebar to follow this blog by email. You can also find Quality Christian Books on my website plus fundraising opportunities for your Christian organization or youth group.

Also check out our new options for publishing your Christian book.
Visit us on Facebook at David Craig’s Books  

Friday, September 18, 2015

Being a Blessing is as Easy as 1-2-3

And in you all the families of the earth shall be blessed.” Genesis 12:3
If you could be a blessing to someone, would you do it? If the answer is yes, then let me tell you that you can do so as easily as 1-2-3. Notice our Scripture reference for today, Genesis 12:3. That is Genesis 1-2-3. Whether another person is near you or far away, the same formula works for being a blessing to them – Genesis 1-2-3.
How does that work? Well, Abraham is the father of Isaac of whose seed it is says in Genesis 22:18, “all the nations of the earth will be blessed.” What “seed” is that? Galatians 3:16 (another easy 3:16 verse to remember) tells us that “that seed is Christ”. So how can we be a blessing to the whole world? We can let them know about Jesus Christ, the seed of Abraham and Isaac, the Son of God, and the Savior of the world. Whether it is the next door neighbor or a person on the other side of the earth, we can bless them by letting them know about Jesus.

Dear Father, Help me share Your blessing with others. Amen.

The Friday Benediction
Until Monday, my friends, may the good God envelop you with His grace; may you prove the common confession of faith, “I believe in the holy Christian church and in the fellowship of the saints”, and may you be enriched with joy and hope as you exercise that confession this weekend.  Amen

Abundant Grace can be found at my website, You can subscribe to this daily devotion and receive it free M-F simply by placing your email address on the sidebar to follow this blog by email. You can also find Quality Christian Books on my website plus fundraising opportunities for your Christian organization or youth group.

Also check out our new options for publishing your Christian book.
Visit us on Facebook at David Craig’s Books  

Thursday, September 17, 2015

A Watchman is His Brother's Keeper

Am I my brother’s keeper?” Genesis 4:9
I hear people ask, “Is it really my responsibility to tell others about Christ? Isn’t that the pastor’s job or the missionary’s job?” Well the answer is a triple yes. It is each person’s job, the one in the pew, the one in the pulpit, and the one directly sent to do so. We are all our brother’s keeper.
In the book of Ezekiel God appointed the prophet to be a watchman over Israel. Israel was a rebellious house and needed to be warned of God’s impending judgment. All mankind is in rebellion against God and all the world needs a watchman to warn them of God’s judgment. That means that the call to be a watchman falls upon all who desire to hear and obey God. So, yes, we are our brother’s keeper and yes we are to share the Gospel of Christ that all mankind might know how to be saved from their certainly deserved judgment of breaking God’s laws.

Dear Father, Fill us with love for our neighbors and give us watchmen’s’ hearts. Amen. 

Abundant Grace can be found at my website, You can subscribe to this daily devotion and receive it free M-F simply by placing your email address on the sidebar to follow this blog by email. You can also find Quality Christian Books on my website plus fundraising opportunities for your Christian organization or youth group.

Also check out our new options for publishing your Christian book.
Visit us on Facebook at David Craig’s Books  

Wednesday, September 16, 2015

True Environmentalists Should Be Missionaries for Christ

Cursed is the ground for your sake.” Genesis 3:17
Here is a fundamental truth and a great irony. All rabid environmentalists should be at the forefront of the Christian missionary endeavor. The irony is that rabid environmentalists essentially hate mankind for our destruction of the planet. Odd, isn’t it? The planet is indeed being destroyed because of man – man’s sin in the Garden of Eden. The corruption and curse on the earth began then. But that curse will also have an end, and it won’t come by the combined labors of all environmentalists.
It will come when Christ returns to earth and makes all things new. The earth groans, Paul tells us, waiting for its redemption at the return of Christ. When will Christ return? The day and hour is unknown, but the Bible says something must come first. Jesus said the Gospel must first be preached to all the world before the end would come. If environmentalists really want to see the earth restored, they need to become active missionaries of the Gospel of Jesus Christ.

Dear Father, Strengthen Your Church to be the witnesses of Christ we have been called to be. Amen.

Abundant Grace can be found at my website, You can subscribe to this daily devotion and receive it free M-F simply by placing your email address on the sidebar to follow this blog by email. You can also find Quality Christian Books on my website plus fundraising opportunities for your Christian organization or youth group.

Also check out our new options for publishing your Christian book.
Visit us on Facebook at David Craig’s Books   

Tuesday, September 15, 2015

Man's Eternal Nature Compels Missionary Effort

God formed man from the dust of the ground and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life”. Genesis 2:7
Evolutionists would have us believe that man is just the product of a long line of accidental mutations that resulted in us. Communists believe that we live and we die and that’s it. They follow the rationalist thought that anything beyond the visible is impossible. Therefore man is here and then dust and then forgotten. The Bible says that God made man in a special way, by His own hand we were fashioned, and into our nostrils alone He breathed the breath of life.
This truth tells us that man is made uniquely with an eternal nature and a God given spirit.  This means that all humanity will live eternally somewhere. Before the fall that was paradise. After the fall that was separated from God’s presence. Now we have the missionary commission to take the Gospel of Jesus Christ to all men that they might believe in Him and be forgiven and have access to heaven and eternal life when they die.

Dear Father, Help us to see all men with an eternal soul and reach them for You. Amen. 

Abundant Grace can be found at my website, You can subscribe to this daily devotion and receive it free M-F simply by placing your email address on the sidebar to follow this blog by email. You can also find Quality Christian Books on my website plus fundraising opportunities for your Christian organization or youth group.

Also check out our new options for publishing your Christian book.
Visit us on Facebook at David Craig’s Books  

Monday, September 14, 2015

God of the Whole Earth

Be fruitful and multiply: fill the earth.” Genesis 1:28
For the next few weeks we are going to be looking at the subject of missions. This verse from Genesis is a great place to start. Missions isn’t something that came along as a new idea after the resurrection, it has been the heart of God from the beginning. God, the God of Adam and Eve, told them to be fruitful and multiply and fill the earth. Since He was the God of Adam and Eve, He then would be the God of the whole earth.
When Adam sinned God did not cease being God. He did not cease being the God of the whole earth. Through Adam’s sin all men had now been born with the same sinful nature and all men needed the same redemption that Adam needed. Everywhere men dwelt there was the need of redemption so that they could know God and worship Him. World missions to share the redemptive story began the day Adam and Eve were evicted from the Garden and began to dwell over the face of the earth.

Dear Father, Help us to see that all need You. Amen. 

Abundant Grace can be found at my website, You can subscribe to this daily devotion and receive it free M-F simply by placing your email address on the sidebar to follow this blog by email. You can also find Quality Christian Books on my website plus fundraising opportunities for your Christian organization or youth group.

Also check out our new options for publishing your Christian book.
Visit us on Facebook at David Craig’s Books  

Saturday, September 12, 2015

Safe in the Arms of Jesus

Joseph’s brothers said, ‘Perhaps Joseph will hate us and repay us our evil’.” Gen. 50:15
This is the second time that we find Joseph’s brothers quaking in fear for their previous sins. They feared when he first revealed himself to them and now that their dad is dead, they relive that fear again. Again Joseph assures them that he has no plans for retaliation, that God planned the events to save their lives, and that he will continue to care for them. All of these things the Bible says that he spoke to them kindly.
Satan continues to accuse us of our sins. He has a point, we are sinners. He has a second point, sin has its consequence of condemnation. But he has missed the real point – that is that in Jesus Christ our sins are forgiven and there is no condemnation. Our sin debt with God is fully repaid by Christ. When Satan casts his spear of fear at our hearts we need to respond, “I’m safe in the arms of Jesus.”

Dear Father, Thank You that our forgiveness has been paid for by Your Son. Amen. 

The Saturday Benediction
Until Monday, my friends, may the good God envelop you with His grace; may you prove the common confession of faith, “I believe in the holy Christian church and in the fellowship of the saints”, and may you be enriched with joy and hope as you exercise that confession this weekend.  Amen

Abundant Grace can be found at my website, You can subscribe to this daily devotion and receive it free M-F simply by placing your email address on the sidebar to follow this blog by email. You can also find Quality Christian Books on my website plus fundraising opportunities for your Christian organization or youth group.

Also check out our new options for publishing your Christian book.
Visit us on Facebook at David Craig’s Books  

Friday, September 11, 2015

Saying Goodbye or See You Later

Then Joseph fell on his father’s face and wept.” Genesis 50:1
I have performed a fair number of funerals in my years in the ministry. There are three kinds that cover almost all of them. First there are the lost who have no hope. I have seen people who have had to have their fingers pried from the handles on the casket as they wept and screamed in sorrow. The second kind are those who are stoic. They expect that everyone will get into heaven, no matter what, but they have no sense of rejoicing because they can’t be sure.
Thirdly are the funerals of the saints. There are tears, as Joseph shed, not because he wouldn’t see his father again, but because he wouldn’t see his father again in this life. There is sorrow at separation, but not sorrow that has no hope. There is also much joy at the certainty that we will see our loved ones again. That hope for a certain tomorrow eases some of the sorrow of today. God gives us hope even in the most sorrowful moments of our lives.

Dear Father, Thank You for the blessed hope of the resurrection. Amen. 

Abundant Grace can be found at my website, You can subscribe to this daily devotion and receive it free M-F simply by placing your email address on the sidebar to follow this blog by email. You can also find Quality Christian Books on my website plus fundraising opportunities for your Christian organization or youth group.

Also check out our new options for publishing your Christian book.
Visit us on Facebook at David Craig’s Books  

Thursday, September 10, 2015

Eternity or Extinction

Jacob charged them, ‘I am to be gathered to my people’.” Genesis 49:29
Jacob did not say to his sons that he was about to be gathered to the dust from which God had made man. He had no anticipation of his death being the end of his existence. He planned to be with his people: Abraham, Isaac, his mother Rebekah, and his wife Leah. He planned for a reunion not an extinction. That is the hope of all who have placed their faith in God’s promise of eternal life through the Savior Jesus Christ.
But wait! Jesus hadn’t been born yet. No, but He already was. He would come one day from the offspring of Judah, but He already was, for He had always been. Jesus was the promised seed of woman from Genesis 1. He was the lamb in the thicket when God stopped Abraham from slaying Isaac. He was and is and is to come. Jacob believed that, and by believing that, God had declared him righteous. That is still the way we are saved today – faith in the promised Messiah Jesus Christ.

Dear Father, Thank You for consistently having only one way of salvation. Amen. 

Abundant Grace can be found at my website, You can subscribe to this daily devotion and receive it free M-F simply by placing your email address on the sidebar to follow this blog by email. You can also find Quality Christian Books on my website plus fundraising opportunities for your Christian organization or youth group.

Also check out our new options for publishing your Christian book.
Visit us on Facebook at David Craig’s Books  

Wednesday, September 9, 2015

Raised Up by Grace

The scepter shall not depart from Judah.” Genesis 49:10
Although Judah was a sinner like his brothers, God chose him to be the start of the kingly line of Israel. The royal of line of Jesus Christ runs from Abraham to Isaac to Jacob to Judah. Each and every one of them was a sinner. God called them to be His own and justified them not by works but by faith. That is just how God still works today.
Jesus ate with sinners, touched lepers, let an immoral woman bathe his feet, and hung out with tax gatherers. What he took with Him to these meetings with the outcasts of civilization was the message of repentance and promise of eternal life through faith in Him. He sends us with that message to carry to a hurting and dying world. Jesus Christ loves sinners and still calls them to repent and believe in Him. Judah’s selection was not by works but by God’s grace, the same grace He still offers to all who will come to Him today.

Dear Father, Thank You for abundant grace to save such a wretch like me. Amen. 

Abundant Grace can be found at my website, You can subscribe to this daily devotion and receive it free M-F simply by placing your email address on the sidebar to follow this blog by email. You can also find Quality Christian Books on my website plus fundraising opportunities for your Christian organization or youth group.

Also check out our new options for publishing your Christian book.
Visit us on Facebook at David Craig’s Books  

Tuesday, September 8, 2015

Last Words

Unstable as water, you shall not excel.” Genesis 49:4
Families often are able to gather around loved ones who will soon be entering eternity. What last words might they say? Will it be something that we will always remember? In Genesis 49, Jacob is on his deathbed and his children have all gathered around. He begins with Reuben, his first born, and the message begins well. But it doesn’t end well. Jacob laid out his son’s character, unstable as water and wicked sinner, then he told him he would not be considered the first born.
Someday we will all stand before God. Some will stand before God and hear Him say, I welcome you in Jesus’ Name. For all the rest the books will be opened and their works will be revealed. What a lot of people will want to hear won’t be heard. But for those who have come in faith to Jesus Christ and received His forgiveness of sins, the welcome will be wonderful. What kind of last words do you plan to receive?

Dear Father, Thank You that in Christ my past is dead and I am alive. Amen. 

Abundant Grace can be found at my website, You can subscribe to this daily devotion and receive it free M-F simply by placing your email address on the sidebar to follow this blog by email. You can also find Quality Christian Books on my website plus fundraising opportunities for your Christian organization or youth group.

Also check out our new options for publishing your Christian book.
Visit us on Facebook at David Craig’s Books  

Friday, September 4, 2015

A Blessing for Those in Authority

So Jacob blessed Pharaoh.” Genesis 47: 10
Let’s get this straight, OK? Pharaoh was a pagan, an idolater, a false god (or in his own mind a real god), and was not known as being the kindest person in the world. Why would Jacob bless such a man as this? First it was respect for his office. We are to respect the office and the person in it. Second it was a kind way of thanksgiving for the kindness shown to Jacob and his family. Kindness always deserves a return and a blessing is an appropriate return.
But we see in Genesis 14 and Hebrews 7 that when Melchizedek blessed Abram it was noted that the greater blessed the lesser. Jacob was greater than Pharaoh where it counted; with God. Jacob had something to offer that really mattered; he could pray to the God of creation for the life and well-being of another person, and he did. Instead of hate speech directed at corrupt leaders, what if we blessed them instead? Just a thought.

Dear Father, Help us to rightly honor and bless those in authority over us. Amen. 

The Friday Benediction
Until Monday, my friends, may the good God envelop you with His grace; may you prove the common confession of faith, “I believe in the holy Christian church and in the fellowship of the saints”, and may you be enriched with joy and hope as you exercise that confession this weekend.  Amen

Abundant Grace can be found at my website, You can subscribe to this daily devotion and receive it free M-F simply by placing your email address on the sidebar to follow this blog by email. You can also find Quality Christian Books on my website plus fundraising opportunities for your Christian organization or youth group.

Also check out our new options for publishing your Christian book.
Visit us on Facebook at David Craig’s Books  

Thursday, September 3, 2015

Assurance Through God's Presence

Then God spoke to Jacob, ‘I will go down with you to Egypt’.” Genesis 46:3-4
 Years before Jacob was born there had been a famine in the land of Canaan. God had warned his father not to go down into Egypt to escape it. Now Jacob was being called by Joseph to go down into Egypt. With all his desire to see his son, this departure from the land of promise must have been very hard for him. God wanted to assure Jacob that going to Egypt was the right thing to do.
Change is difficult, sometimes very difficult. We fear and fret over making decisions that involve change as if our setting or our things dictate our security. God said to Jacob, “I will go down to Egypt with you.” He wanted to assure Jacob that who he had with him was more important than where he was. Jesus said, “I will never leave you or forsake you.” That is His promise that should help us adjust more easily to earthly changes that come our way.

Dear Father, Help me to find my true security in Your presence with me. Amen.

Abundant Grace can be found at my website, You can subscribe to this daily devotion and receive it free M-F simply by placing your email address on the sidebar to follow this blog by email. You can also find Quality Christian Books on my website plus fundraising opportunities for your Christian organization or youth group.

Also check out our new options for publishing your Christian book.
Visit us on Facebook at David Craig’s Books   

Wednesday, September 2, 2015

True Love for Our Children

Then Jacob said, ‘It is enough, Joseph, my son, is alive’.” Genesis 45:28
What is your greatest hope in life? Is it to be a multi-millionaire, to have the nicest house in town, to have the greatest respect in the community? Jesus told us that a man who gained the whole world but lost his soul had made a bad bargain. But what about the souls of our children? Is our goal for them prosperity, security, and importance, or is it knowing Christ and having new life in Him. Joseph’s position in Egypt meant nothing to Jacob. That Joseph was alive meant everything.
Life, real life, eternal life, is that our goal for our children? Would we be happy if we were certain they had that even if they lacked most of the other amenities of life? Jacob was happy that Joseph was alive. We are only truly alive if we are alive in Christ. Investments in silver or gold will perish. Investing in our children’s lives for eternity will last.

Dear Father, Give us a heart that burns for the eternal life of our children. Amen. 

Abundant Grace can be found at my website, You can subscribe to this daily devotion and receive it free M-F simply by placing your email address on the sidebar to follow this blog by email. You can also find Quality Christian Books on my website plus fundraising opportunities for your Christian organization or youth group.

Also check out our new options for publishing your Christian book.
Visit us on Facebook at David Craig’s Books  

Tuesday, September 1, 2015

Don't Fight on the Way

See that you fall not out by the way.” Genesis 45:24
Joseph knew his family well. They were a contentious lot and he was justly concerned about their interactions when apart from him. So he commanded them not to fall out, or start fighting, on their way home. In John 17 Jesus prayed for the unity of His followers after He had gone back to heaven.
Human nature is full of pride. “My way is the best way.” “It’s all your fault that this happened.” “You are almost right, but let me set you straight where you are wrong.” This is sadly how we sound too much of the time. We almost seek out every way we can to be divisive. When we do we present to the world a god of confusion and of hate based on how we treat each other. That is not what Jesus wanted His followers to do. He told His followers that the world would know we are Christians by our love. Do they?

Dear Father, Forgive us our stubborn pride that everything must be our way or the wrong way. Help us to walk more lovingly with Your children. Amen. 

Abundant Grace can be found at my website, You can subscribe to this daily devotion and receive it free M-F simply by placing your email address on the sidebar to follow this blog by email. You can also find Quality Christian Books on my website plus fundraising opportunities for your Christian organization or youth group.

Also check out our new options for publishing your Christian book.
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