Monday, January 20, 2014

The Morning Stars Sang Together

What do stars sound like when they are singing?  God said in Job 38:7 that they sang together at their creation.  That is the first recorded song in Scripture.  We can call it creation’s song.  Isaiah 55:12 says that at the restoration of Israel under Christ the King that the trees of the field will clap their hands.  That is another of creation’s songs.  Everything will be set in order under the righteous rule of the King of kings and all creation will sing again.  In the meantime Psalm 148 calls upon all creation to sing their song of praise to Him today.  Sun and moon, starts of light, all waters and creatures of earth are to sing their praised to Him. 
Since all of creation is to praise God, shouldn't that be the desire of all who are a new creation in Christ?  Psalm 33:1 says that it is comely or beautiful for the righteous to sing praises to God.  Jeremiah tells us that those living in the restored kingdom under Christ will bring the sacrifice of praise to Him.  Hebrews 13 tells us that we are to do that now and not just wait for the restoration.  Our whole life is to be a sacrifice of praise to God.  It is to be a new song sung daily for Him.   
Not every song of praise is a happy song.  There are songs that can praise Him from a heart of sorrow.  Right now Paul tells us in Romans 8 that all creation groans under the load and curse of sin.  The trees of the fields are not clapping their hands today.  They are singing a lamentation that concludes each verse with “Even so come, Lord Jesus”.  The idea of the song is that it expresses the heart while also recognizing the glory of God.  God gives songs of deliverance, songs of hope, songs of peace, songs joy and songs of exaltation.
  These songs can come in sorrow, trials, fears, temptations and victory.  His hope, His salvation, His love is the theme of each song in each situation.  We find all these types of songs sung in Scripture.  The most sorrowful song sung in Scripture, the book of Lamentations, contains one of the most inspiring exclamations of faith and trust found in God’s word.  When everything, quite literally everything, had gone wrong and was only getting worse, Jeremiah added this line, “Through the Lord’s mercies we are not consumed, because His compassions fail not.  They are new every morning; great is Thy faithfulness.” 
So, sing a song of praise today.  Turn to Psalm 148 and sing, “For His Name alone is excellent; His glory is above the earth and heavens. Praise the Lord.  Praise ye the Lord.” 

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