Monday, February 17, 2014

Beware of Wolves

Children are a lot of fun to be around.  They are so eager to learn from those around them.  They want to soak up all that they can and are eager to believe what they are told.  From a purely cynical point of view they are gullible.  Lots of people prey on their gullibility.  Advertisers are quick to take note of their inherent belief in whatever they are told.  Predators are quick to take advantage of that fact as well.  Fantasy, fact and fiction all blend in their minds without critical distinction. 
Of the thirteen times the phrase “little children” is used in the New Testament, eight are found in I John where John uses the term to apply to the church.  Nine times in the New Testament believers are called “the children of God”.  This isn’t trivia.  This is important because it reflects two truths.  The first and most important is that God is the Father of all who believe in His Son.  He loves and cares for them, watches over and protects them, feeds and clothes them and picks them up and carries them as babes in His arms.  Secondly it gives us pause to consider the danger in which we often find children.  We are to be innocent children and wise Christians. 
Satan is worse than any child predator.  He is the author of all child predators.  They lie and deceive in order to get their sinful desires.  He is the father of lies.  They often kill their victims and he is a murderer from the beginning.  They destroy lives and he is the thief that comes to steal, to kill and to destroy.  We, the children of God, are his prey.  He stalks us and lays snares for us.  He offers us candy laced with cyanide and kittens that will claw out our eyes.  There is nothing good in him.  But he does not appear to be that way.  He comes as an angel of light professing all things noble.  He comes as a wolf in sheep’s clothing.
In light of this great enemy God wants His children to be protected.  He gives His Word as a protection.  He gives His true servants, ministers of the Gospel, to be a protection.  But how can we know if they are His true servants?  God gives us some litmus tests.  Do they declare the whole Word of God to be true?  Do they declare that Jesus Christ is the eternal Son of God, very God of very God?  Do they declare that we are by nature lost sinners and can only be saved by faith in His Son through the grace of God?  If not, they are wolves.  Little children, beware of wolves.
Martin Luther in his hymn “A Mighty Fortress is Our God” calls us to know we have such a foe and to use the power of God’s word and faith in Christ against him.
          And though this world with devils filled should threaten to undo us, 
         We will not fear for God has willed His truth to triumph through us.  
         The prince of darkness grim, we tremble not for him; his rage we can endure, 
         For Lo! His doom is sure; God’s gracious word shall fell him

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You may also enjoy my new Gospel dog blog, The Gospel According to Molly Blog and my new Alzheimer’s blog, “Taking Care of Joe: An Alzheimer’s Blog” found on my website.  

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