Wednesday, December 4, 2013

Afraid with Joy

Today’s title may seem strange.  How can we be afraid and joyful all at the same time?  We can remember how it was at Jesus birth.  All those people were afraid while the angels were proclaiming, “I bring you good tidings of great joy.”  While the message was joyous, the situation that brought that message to Zacharias, Mary, Joseph and the shepherds was fear inducing.  As it was at His birth, so it was at His resurrection.

Jesus had clearly and frequently told His disciples that He was to die and be resurrected third day.  The news of His death was too tragic and unbelievable for them to comprehend.  That left the second part of the message, the resurrection, as beyond speculation.  So when He was raised on the third day, they were not expecting it.  They were dwelling in fear lest they be the next target of the Jews and the Romans. 

At dawn on the third day a group of brave lady followers went to the tomb.  It was empty and an angel was there.  They were afraid.  The angel said, “Fear not.”  Later that day, although they had already been to the empty tomb and had twice been assured by others that Jesus had risen, when Jesus appeared to the disciples in the upper room they were afraid.  His message to them was, “Fear not”.  The only ones not to receive that message were the guards who had been posted at the tomb.  They were terrified and ran away.  Then they were told to deny the truth of the resurrection, lie to the authorities and live in fear for the rest of their lives that they would be found out.  The message of “fear not” is a much better alternative.

Fortunately for believers today we don’t face angelic beings sitting on empty tombs when we are already in a heightened emotional and fearful state.  We get to hear the grand news of the resurrection and rejoice in the victory of our risen Lord Jesus Christ.  It is much less fear inducing but no less awe inspiring.  We can joyfully shout with Paul, “O death, where is thy sting, o grave, thy victory?”  The fear of it is conquered in the joy of the risen Christ.

“Joy, joy, immortal joy! The Lord is ris’n to reign;
On Easter day, the Scriptures say, Christ rose to life again.
On Easter day, the Scriptures say, Christ rose to life again.

“Joy, deep and living joy! The stone is rolled away;
The empty tomb has lost its gloom, the night has turned to day.
The empty tomb hast lost its gloom, the night has turned to day.”

“Joy, Joy, Immortal Joy” by Peter Lutkin
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