Thursday, December 17, 2015

Advent Changes in Christian Lives

Then the eyes of the blind shall be opened, the deaf ears unstopped, the lame will leap, the dumb will sing.” Isaiah 35:5-6
What glorious blessings the First Advent brought to the world. Jews and Gentiles alike shared in the blessings of the miraculous work of Christ. Jesus used today’s passage to assure John the Baptist that He really was the one who had come as the Son of God. This was another of the great promises that God had made and kept. But it was more. It was a revelation of a new way of treating others.
In ancient Greece and Rome the sick, aged, and unwanted children were left to die. They were often just left by the roadside to die alone and forgotten. But the early Church picked up on the teaching of Jesus and changed all that. They became known as the “nuts” who cared for the worthless dregs of life. The Advent of Jesus should change His followers from callous self-centeredness into seeing others as Christ saw them, people in need of a saving Shepherd who cares.

Dear Father, Let this season remind us to care for the needs of others. Amen.

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