Friday, April 1, 2016

Made and Kept

Thus says the Lord, ‘Heaven is my throne and earth is my footstool. For all these things I have made and all those things exist’.” Isaiah 66:1-2
We have looked at parents who make promises they can’t keep. We see politicians making promises they have no intention or power to keep. We can almost begin to believe that promises are simply made to be broken. They are broken because the promiser is either powerless to keep them or not sincere in making them. Then we consider the promises of God.
God is the maker of heaven and earth. Obviously He is able to keep whatever promise He makes. He is, after all, all powerful. Then we see that God sent His own Son to die for the sins of mankind, a promise He had made to Adam way back in the Garden. That shows that He is sincere in the promises He makes. All the promises of God are certain, even if they take some time to fulfill. He will do what He said and we can count on it. Forgiveness of sins, new heaven and earth, hope for each day, joy in the midst of turmoil; He has promised them all and He will fulfill each and every one. Praise God for His wonderful promises.
Dear Father, We thank You that You both make and keep all Your promises. Amen. 

  The Friday Benediction
Until Monday, my friends, may the good God envelop you with His grace; may you prove the common confession of faith, “I believe in the holy Christian church and in the fellowship of the saints”, and may you be enriched with joy and hope as you exercise that confession this weekend.  Amen

This is devotion number 765. I began writing these devotions in April of 2013. They have come to you each day, M-F, for 3 years. I am going to take a sabbatical from writing new devotions, but that doesn't mean they still won't be here everyday. Starting on Monday I will be posting Abundant Grace devotions beginning with the first and progressing through them. These devotions have been picked up by a major mission board for posting on their website and by an AppleApp magazine for reproduction in their publication. I hope that they will continue to be a daily blessing to you all. Thank you for coming here each day for your encouragement of Abundant Grace.  

Abundant Grace can be found at my website, You can subscribe to this daily devotion and receive it free M-F simply by placing your email address on the sidebar to follow this blog by email. You can also find book publishing opportunities with Quality Christian Books plus fundraising opportunities for your Christian organization or youth group.

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