Thursday, February 16, 2017

A Secure Fortress

 Because we live on this earth we will find times and days and seasons when even the strongest hearted may tremble. Political leaders have learned to use the name of Christ to their advantage over the spiritually ignorant. Luther’s Large Catechism has much to say about the fate of those who thus profane the holy name of God.  He further declares that whole nations suffer disaster upon disaster while such blasphemy reigns in the land.  God said that He will not let go unpunished those who take His Name in vain.  That would apply to those who applaud its abuse as well. 
Such trying times are not new.  The Apostles experienced them in their day.  Luther and the Reformers experienced them in their day and until Jesus comes back mankind will continue to experience them again and again.  Satan has found an effective methodology to discourage mankind and bring vilification on those who speak the truth about the condition of the age. 
So what is the secure refuge?  It is Christ.  It is also His word.  His word conveys to us the greatness of His care and promises in troubling times.  It assures us that God has not forgotten His own.  It promises us eternal victory when temporal turmoil is rampant.  This is so sure that all the Scripture testifies to it.  In his great hymn, “A Might Fortress”, Martin Luther speaks of it in the final stanza.  (There are over 80 different translations of the original German for this hymn.  This is one of them.)  The Word is true, and it is our fortress. 
God’s Word forever shall abide, no thanks to foes who fear it.
For God Himself fights at our side, with weapons of the Spirit.
Were they to take our home, goods, honor, child or spouse, though life be wrenched away

They cannot win the day; the kingdom’s ours forever.  

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