Thursday, July 4, 2013

Scenes of Grace 24

At a church where I pastored we had a tradition at funerals for members of the church.  After the service and before the casket was removed from the sanctuary we would all stand and sing Jeremiah Rankin’s hymn “God Be with You”.  It was a song of parting, but not a song of good-bye.  I hardly picture Joseph’s brothers standing in the pasture waving to him and singing this song while he was drug off as a slave to Egypt.  But whether they sang it or not, God was with Joseph in Egypt – even when it didn’t seem like it. 

The third verse of “God Be with You” asks for this blessing of His presence, “When life’s perils thick enfold you, put His arms unfailing round you”.  (We did not sing this verse at funerals.  We just sang the first and fourth.)  In Genesis 40 we still find Joseph languishing in the dungeon.  He has been elevated, however, to the position of chief trustee.  Trustee or not, he was still in the dungeon and didn’t want to be there.  But he wasn’t alone.  God was there with him and His unfailing arms were around him. 

Two of Pharaoh’s servants had displeased their master and were thrown in the dungeon with Joseph.  Joseph had the opportunity to interpret a dream for each of them.  As the interpretations proved true he asked the surviving servant to take his petition to Pharaoh upon his release.  The servant didn’t at that time, but later a need arose in Pharaoh’s life and he needed just the help Joseph could give.  Calling Joseph from prison, Pharaoh had Joseph interpret a dream for him and then elevated Joseph to the second highest position in Egypt. Now Joseph was in a position not only to save himself but to save all of Egypt, all the lands around Egypt and all his family. 

The second verse of Rankin’s hymn reads, “’Neath His wings protecting hide you, daily manna still provide you.”  God had sheltered Joseph from death by his brothers’ hands, from death by Potiphar, from death in the dungeon and all while still provided his needs.  The same God who was gracious to Joseph all his days is the same God who cares for His children today.  God’s grace has not changed.  The last petition of the first verse of this hymn is the one I like the best. “With His sheep securely fold you – God be with you ‘til we meet again.”  Beloved, rejoice in the God who is there.  Rejoice in His abundant grace. 

You may also enjoy this inspirational devotional book, The Gospel According to Molly,
available here: 

1 comment:

  1. Hey David - thanks for sharing your site with me! I did not know all this about you - and very much enjoyed today's devotion... I will check out your book. My husband is excited to check out the one you were showing him tonight!
