Wednesday, September 2, 2015

True Love for Our Children

Then Jacob said, ‘It is enough, Joseph, my son, is alive’.” Genesis 45:28
What is your greatest hope in life? Is it to be a multi-millionaire, to have the nicest house in town, to have the greatest respect in the community? Jesus told us that a man who gained the whole world but lost his soul had made a bad bargain. But what about the souls of our children? Is our goal for them prosperity, security, and importance, or is it knowing Christ and having new life in Him. Joseph’s position in Egypt meant nothing to Jacob. That Joseph was alive meant everything.
Life, real life, eternal life, is that our goal for our children? Would we be happy if we were certain they had that even if they lacked most of the other amenities of life? Jacob was happy that Joseph was alive. We are only truly alive if we are alive in Christ. Investments in silver or gold will perish. Investing in our children’s lives for eternity will last.

Dear Father, Give us a heart that burns for the eternal life of our children. Amen. 

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