Thursday, March 31, 2016

Earth Rebirth

Behold, I create new heavens and a new earth.” Isaiah 65:17
There are some promises that are made that truly defy comprehension. We hear a lot of them each election year. “We’ll kick everybody out that we don’t like” or “Everything you could possibly ever hope for a desire will be FREE” are examples of promising the incredible, no the impossible. So, we look around at the our present universe, all the stars in their proper motions in the sky, all the mountains securely set in their places, all the oceans abiding by their designated borders, and we say, “This is permanent.” But it’s not.
God has said that the earth must be reborn just as each believer must be reborn. Every person is corrupted by sin and without rebirth will perish. The earth is also corrupted by sin. Adam’s sin brought thistles and thorns and the curse to the very earth he walked on. It must be reborn and God is going to do it. How? That’s up to God. He made it in the first place and He will make it over again. It is part of the promise and He will keep it.

Dear Father, Help us not grow too attached to that which will pass away. Amen.

Abundant Grace can be found at my website, You can subscribe to this daily devotion and receive it free M-F simply by placing your email address on the sidebar to follow this blog by email. You can also find book publishing opportunities with Quality Christian Books plus fundraising opportunities for your Christian organization or youth group.

Wednesday, March 30, 2016

Unmerited Promises

All our righteousnesses are like filthy rags.” Isaiah 64:6
“No, you cannot have that now, but if you are really good and let Mommy finish her shopping, she will buy you a candy at the checkout.” Is that a promise? Is that a bribe? Is the result of the promise (bribe) conditional or unconditional? “If you be good you will get it,” is not the kind of promise that God has given to Israel. When He told them that David’s throne would be occupied by David’s son for all time, it wasn’t a bribe. It was an unmerited promise.
Why wasn’t it a bribe? Because then God’s people would never get anything. Our righteous deeds, Isaiah said, are like filthy rags. God sees no merit in them at all. Therefore we cannot merit any of God’s promises. His promises are based on His grace alone or we would never receive any of them. God’s promise of our salvation is like God’s promise to David’s descendants. Our sins have separated us from God, but He has sent His Son to die for us anyway that His promises might be fulfilled.

Dear Father, Thank You for Your unmerited promises. Amen. 

Abundant Grace can be found at my website, You can subscribe to this daily devotion and receive it free M-F simply by placing your email address on the sidebar to follow this blog by email. You can also find book publishing opportunities with Quality Christian Books plus fundraising opportunities for your Christian organization or youth group.

Tuesday, March 29, 2016

Promises, Promises

Whereas you have been forsaken and hated, I will make you an eternal excellence.” Isaiah 60:15
It’s an election year and we are daily bombarded with promises that cannot be fulfilled. The left cannot bring in Utopia and the right cannot bring in righteousness. As we see the ongoing failure of men to fulfill their promises we might begin to wonder if God will fulfill His. He made a promise to Abraham that all the world would be blessed through his seed. Jesus Christ, the seed of Abraham, is indeed offering the blessing of eternal life to all the world today.
God made a promise to David that his kingdom would last forever and that a son would reign on the throne. With the fall of Jerusalem in 600BC many feared that promise could not be kept. With the death of Jesus on the cross there were many who feared that since he had failed to take out the Romans that the promise could never be fulfilled. But God says in Isaiah that He will indeed fulfill His promise. Unlike man who cannot do what he says; God can.

Dear Father, Thank You for steadfast and sure promises. Amen. 

Abundant Grace can be found at my website, You can subscribe to this daily devotion and receive it free M-F simply by placing your email address on the sidebar to follow this blog by email. You can also find book publishing opportunities with Quality Christian Books plus fundraising opportunities for your Christian organization or youth group.

Monday, March 28, 2016

Winding Down

Arise, shine; for thy light is come and the glory of the Lord is risen upon thee.” Isaiah 60:1
If we live long enough something happens to all of us. We get old. Even if we don’t say it we start to think, “Remember when”. The children we held as babes in our arms have given us a second generation to dote upon, and as time progresses, those new ones bring us another generation. Now our children are the doting grandparents and we have become a little more peripheral. The world ahead begins to come a little more in focus as the world in which we live drifts a little further from our control.
As we come to the last few chapters of Isaiah we find him in this position. He has been prophesying for sixty years. He is an old man. The final chapters of his visions are of the distant future. He sees the promises of God fulfilled. He preaches great hope and peace for God’s people.  He still has an important ministry and that is to encourage the people around him.

Dear Father, Help us to continue our ministry until You take us home. Amen.

 Abundant Grace can be found at my website, You can subscribe to this daily devotion and receive it free M-F simply by placing your email address on the sidebar to follow this blog by email. You can also find book publishing opportunities with Quality Christian Books plus fundraising opportunities for your Christian organization or youth group.

Friday, March 25, 2016

Calling All Cars!

“The Gentiles shall come to thy light, and kings to the brightness of thy rising.” Isaiah 60:3
I remember a common line from old police TV shows. “Calling all cars! Calling all cars!” It was an urgent plea. There is a critical situation and all cars that can make it should respond. God has an urgent plea as well. Jesus said, “Come unto me.” God says, “Now is the day of salvation.” There is the need that all mankind has but with only one lifetime in which to meet it. It is the need of our eternal soul and it is the need of all mankind.
God didn’t just call all of Israel to come. This passage in Isaiah shows the call is universal. God says, “Calling all people! Calling all people!” Come to the light. Come to Jesus, the Light of the world. Come to the brightness of His glory for Jesus is the glory of God sent into this world. God calls out, “Calling all people,” and we should not ignore the call nor put off responding.

Dear Father, Thank You for the loving grace that calls all men to come to You. Amen

   The Friday Benediction
Until Monday, my friends, may the good God envelop you with His grace; may you prove the common confession of faith, “I believe in the holy Christian church and in the fellowship of the saints”, and may you be enriched with joy and hope as you exercise that confession this weekend.  Amen

Abundant Grace can be found at my website, You can subscribe to this daily devotion and receive it free M-F simply by placing your email address on the sidebar to follow this blog by email. You can also find book publishing opportunities with Quality Christian Books plus fundraising opportunities for your Christian organization or youth group.

Thursday, March 24, 2016

Truth or Dare

“For truth is fallen in the street.” Isaiah 59:14
Thirty years ago a visiting pastor preached this at my church. He spoke as if this were an original idea that he had just discovered. The interesting thing is that Isaiah preached this sermon two thousand seven hundred and fifty years ago. That’s a long time, and in that long time truth has not picked itself up yet.
During those millennia the same lies, or simple variations of them, have dominated the world. First is that religious practice is enough. It says God does not expect us to really believe it but to simply go through the motions of it. The second great lie is that mankind is sufficient to figure out what we really need and successfully meet that need. The essence of that set of lies is that man is God and God is a mere token. That basic lie has been around since Adam and will continue until Christ returns. God’s people are called upon to ignore that lie and live by God’s truth. That truth hasn’t changed since the fall.

Dear Father, Help us to follow the truth and not the lie. Amen 

Abundant Grace can be found at my website, You can subscribe to this daily devotion and receive it free M-F simply by placing your email address on the sidebar to follow this blog by email. You can also find book publishing opportunities with Quality Christian Books plus fundraising opportunities for your Christian organization or youth group.

Wednesday, March 23, 2016

Hearing Problems?

“The Lord’s ear is not heavy that it cannot hear.” Isaiah 59:1
As a pastor for many years I have heard a lot of strange comments. One that is oft recurring concerns prayer. Congregants will tell me about something that is troubling them and I ask if they have prayed about it. Invariably their answer is, “It’s just a little thing, Pastor, and God has more urgent matters to attend to.” Actually, no He doesn’t. Since God counts the hairs on our head it shows that He is concerned with the smallest details of our lives.
God says that His ear is not heavy that it cannot hear. That means that His ear is strong enough to hear every burden laid on it. His hand is strong enough to deliver every soul in distress. He does not have limited space in His head to discern and care about every trouble that we encounter. Trust God to hear all your concerns and care about them all.

Dear Father, Thank You that You are strong enough to hear and loving enough to care about our smallest woes. Amen

Abundant Grace can be found at my website, You can subscribe to this daily devotion and receive it free M-F simply by placing your email address on the sidebar to follow this blog by email. You can also find book publishing opportunities with Quality Christian Books plus fundraising opportunities for your Christian organization or youth group.

Tuesday, March 22, 2016

Fasting From Numero Uno

“This is the fast that I desire, that you abstain from selfishness, that you would feed the poor, house the homeless, clothe the naked, and love your fellow man.” Isaiah 58:6-7
I suffer from periodic severe bouts of low blood sugar. Because of that I don’t fast from food. But many people do and they do it for many reasons. Some do it for health reasons, some for prayer, and others for different reasons. There are also other ways to fast, like fasting from TV, the internet, or the mall.
God describes another kind of fast. This one can be done simultaneous with all the others. God calls for a fast from caring only about Numero Uno. There are millions of people in need. God says we can fast from spending our wealth on ourselves. That extra cash can house the poor, feed the hungry, and clothe the naked. This kind of fast can raise our awareness of those in need and offer real love to a hurting world.

Dear Father, Guide our thoughts, our prayers, and our actions to be like yours. Amen

Abundant Grace can be found at my website, You can subscribe to this daily devotion and receive it free M-F simply by placing your email address on the sidebar to follow this blog by email. You can also find book publishing opportunities with Quality Christian Books plus fundraising opportunities for your Christian organization or youth group.

Monday, March 21, 2016

A Little Romance

“Behold on the day of your fast you seek your pleasure and demand the labor of your brethren.” Isaiah 58:3
My wife and I are addicted to Hallmark romance movies. Hallmark casts many of the same characters in multiple movies. Whatever movie they are in, they always play the sweet girl and the grand gentleman. By all appearances they are ideal people. But what are they like in real life? I don’t know and I really don’t care. They just seem so nice.
God, however, calls people to account not only for how they look to others but also how they really are. Their outward appearance may fool men, but God reads the heart. The people in Isaiah’s day liked to put on a show of pious devotion to God. People still do. The fasting of the people of Judah was outward only. Their piety was a sham. Is our outward practice of religion matched by true inward faith and devotion? Only God really knows and He really does care.

Dear Father, Let my faith life be true both inside and out. Amen

Abundant Grace can be found at my website, You can subscribe to this daily devotion and receive it free M-F simply by placing your email address on the sidebar to follow this blog by email. You can also find book publishing opportunities with Quality Christian Books plus fundraising opportunities for your Christian organization or youth group.

Friday, March 18, 2016

The Ins and the Outs

“I dwell in the high and holy place, and with him also who has a humble and contrite spirit.” Isaiah 57:15
Does arrogance bother you? Does bombastic self-aggrandizement drive you crazy? Does haughtiness make you cringe? God has a lot of positive things to say about humility but we find no kind words for the proud. In fact the Bible warns the proud that they will be debased while those with humble hearts that bow before His throne shall be exalted.
All of Isaiah 57 is an indictment against those who presume to be equal with God. He alone has the right to declare His glory. But it is also a promise to those who are excluded on earth by the high mindedness of others. God alone has the right to set the rules, rules that all must follow. To Him alone belongs adoration, devotion, and recognition of His worthiness. The truly humble recognize this. Those who do not are the truly arrogant. Let us all humble our hearts before the true and living God.

Dear Father, Accept the devotion of the contrite in heart. Amen  

  The Friday Benediction
Until Monday, my friends, may the good God envelop you with His grace; may you prove the common confession of faith, “I believe in the holy Christian church and in the fellowship of the saints”, and may you be enriched with joy and hope as you exercise that confession this weekend.  Amen

Abundant Grace can be found at my website, You can subscribe to this daily devotion and receive it free M-F simply by placing your email address on the sidebar to follow this blog by email. You can also find book publishing opportunities with Quality Christian Books plus fundraising opportunities for your Christian organization or youth group.

Thursday, March 17, 2016

Outcasts Welcome

“Even then will I bring to My holy mountain, and make them joyful in My house of prayer.” Isaiah 56:7
Have you ever felt yourself an outcast from anyone, any group, or even from God? Abandoned, lost, alone, forgotten? God gave this message to Isaiah for him to pass along to the outcasts of the world. Can God who is almighty really understand what it’s like to be alone, outcast, and abandoned?
Listen to Jesus on the cross, “My God, my God, why have You forsaken me?” Listen to Jesus in the garden, “Could none of you watch and pray with me?” Listen to Jesus in the upper room. “All of you will abandon me tonight.” When Jesus promises to understand and welcome the outsider, the lonely, the abandoned, He can. He will receive all who come to Him and give them a home with Him. With Him we are nevermore alone. He gathers us to Him and gives us great joy.

Dear Father, thank you for your understanding and care for the lonely and outcast. Amen

Abundant Grace can be found at my website, You can subscribe to this daily devotion and receive it free M-F simply by placing your email address on the sidebar to follow this blog by email. You can also find book publishing opportunities with Quality Christian Books plus fundraising opportunities for your Christian organization or youth group.

Wednesday, March 16, 2016

Sounds Easy

“Thus says the Lord, keep judgment, and do justice.” Isaiah 56:1
This seems easy – keep the law and be kind to other people. Easy? Right! When I married my beloved wife I solemnly promised to love her every day until I die. Well, I do love her. Have I always, however, loved her like I love myself? No. Oops, I’m not always kind, considerate, and caring in displaying my love for others. OK, I’m human and as such I fail the “be kind to others” responsibility.
How about keeping the law? Well, we don’t want to talk about that. That’s why we have confession. We are honest with God and He forgives us. So what do we do? We come to the One, Jesus Christ, who has always obeyed the law and was just in all His dealings. Through faith in Christ we put on His righteousness and are seen in His perfection before God. Through His shed blood alone do we keep judgment and do justice.

Dear Father, Thank you for accepting Christ’s righteousness on our behalf. Amen. 

Abundant Grace can be found at my website, You can subscribe to this daily devotion and receive it free M-F simply by placing your email address on the sidebar to follow this blog by email. You can also find book publishing opportunities with Quality Christian Books plus fundraising opportunities for your Christian organization or youth group.

Tuesday, March 15, 2016

What are we thinking?

“For my thoughts are not your thoughts, neither are your ways my ways says the Lord.”
Isaiah 55:8
What is God thinking!? Mankind often asks that question. “If I were  God, I would do things right.” Too many people have that wrong assumption. “Why doesn’t God just end all the wickedness?” That is also a commonly asked question. The answer God gives is “My thoughts are not your thoughts.” If He were to tell us what’s going on, we wouldn’t understand anyway. God adds to today’s verse by saying, “My thoughts are higher than your thoughts.”
Job tried to argue with God and question what He was doing. God’s reply was simple. “Were you there when I formed the earth and sky? Can you control the motion of the stars and rule over the mighty beasts of the earth? Do you know the thoughts and heart of men?” Job admitted his deficiency in all these areas and so must we. So, what is God doing? We can’t know it all. What we can know is that He is good and have faith in Him.
Dear Father, You alone are wise. Increase our faith. Amen.

Abundant Grace can be found at my website, You can subscribe to this daily devotion and receive it free M-F simply by placing your email address on the sidebar to follow this blog by email. You can also find book publishing opportunities with Quality Christian Books plus fundraising opportunities for your Christian organization or youth group.

Monday, March 14, 2016


“Incline your ear unto me, come unto me, and your soul shall live.” Isaiah 55:3
Hear ye, Hear ye. All rise. The supreme court of mankind is now in session. The Honorable Judge, God the Father Almighty, maker of heaven and earth presiding. With an introduction like that we snap to attention. We want to hear what this judge has to say. We hang on every word. The decision of this Judge is final and our eternal residing place is at stake.
“Guilty,” He declares. We tremble that our fate is sealed. But then He speaks again. “Come unto Me and live!” The offer the Judge makes is come unto Me. Jesus made the same offer because Jesus is God and He could do so. God’s offer to come is always made through His Son. Jesus said, “I am the way, no man comes to the Father but by Me.” The Judge says “Come and live.” Jesus says, “I offer eternal life.” The Bible says “Hear ye Him.”

Dear Father, Thank you for offering this great invitation. Amen.

Abundant Grace can be found at my website, You can subscribe to this daily devotion and receive it free M-F simply by placing your email address on the sidebar to follow this blog by email. You can also find book publishing opportunities with Quality Christian Books plus fundraising opportunities for your Christian organization or youth group.

Friday, March 11, 2016

Empty Hands

Ho, everyone who thirsts, come to the waters, and he that has no money, come.” Isaiah 55:1
What do we need to bring to God in order that we might drink of the living water? What do we need to bring to eat the Bread of Life? Do we need to bring our best behavior? Will that buy these treasures? Do we need to bring our solemn vows? Will that buy these treasures? God says to come to Him when we are broke, no money in our hand, destitute.
How can such treasures be gained if we have nothing? They are gained as a gift from God to those with empty hands. We cannot bring anything to God who already has everything. Be we can come because we need His everything and only have our poverty of sin. We come confessing our empty hands and our need of His supply of grace and forgiveness. Then He will give us the treasure that lasts forever. We come to God empty, and leave rejoicing that He has filled us with Christ.

Dear Father, Thank You for receiving the poor and needy and giving them grace and forgiveness through Christ. Amen.

   The Friday Benediction
Until Monday, my friends, may the good God envelop you with His grace; may you prove the common confession of faith, “I believe in the holy Christian church and in the fellowship of the saints”, and may you be enriched with joy and hope as you exercise that confession this weekend.  Amen

Abundant Grace can be found at my website, You can subscribe to this daily devotion and receive it free M-F simply by placing your email address on the sidebar to follow this blog by email. You can also find book publishing opportunities with Quality Christian Books plus fundraising opportunities for your Christian organization or youth group.

Thursday, March 10, 2016

Kind All the Time

For the mountains shall depart and hills be removed, but My kindness shall not depart from you.” Isaiah 54:10
The hymn “I Am His and He Is Mine” begins, “Loved with everlasting love, led by grace this love to know”. Today’s verse reminds us of something very important about the kindness of God – it never ends. Was God kind to you when you lost your job? Yes. Was God kind to you when you got sick? Yes. Was God kind to you when all the wheels fell off your life? Yes. The kindness of God shall not depart from us.
God is not only kind to us when we are happy with His decision making. That would make Him a fickle God. In fact that would make us God since we get to determine all situations and all outcomes. It is important to remember that in all situations and outcomes, God is in control and the kindness of God shall not depart from us. Can we figure it out? No. Must we accept it by faith? Yes. If not we will miss the joy His kindness gives.

Dear Father, Help us never forget Your everlasting kindness. Amen.

 Abundant Grace can be found at my website, You can subscribe to this daily devotion and receive it free M-F simply by placing your email address on the sidebar to follow this blog by email. You can also find book publishing opportunities with Quality Christian Books plus fundraising opportunities for your Christian organization or youth group.

Wednesday, March 9, 2016

Ashamed or Not

Fear not for you shall not be ashamed.” Is. 54:4
When my grandchildren get a treat they were told not to get, and I catch them doing it, their eyes are cast down in shame. That’s how it is. We do something wrong and we feel ashamed. But what about when we do something right?
Many people feel embarrassed or ashamed to do the right thing. Telling others of Jesus’ love we fear rejection or being thought weird. In essence we feel ashamed. Jesus felt shame, too. When He hung on the cross the Bible says He endured the cross and despised the shame. But now He sits at the right hand of the Father. Any shame we endure at the hands of men for speaking of Christ our Savior, He assures us will pass away and we shall eternally be unashamed in His presence.

Dear Father, Thank You that we need not fear the shame of men for bearing Christ’s name. Amen.  

Abundant Grace can be found at my website, You can subscribe to this daily devotion and receive it free M-F simply by placing your email address on the sidebar to follow this blog by email. You can also find book publishing opportunities with Quality Christian Books plus fundraising opportunities for your Christian organization or youth group.

Tuesday, March 8, 2016

Is Normal Always Good?

All we like sheep have gone astray.” Isaiah 53:6
One night we had friends over for dinner and I asked the man, “Have you ever sinned?” He seemed both shocked and offended. “NO!” was his response. Now picture a shepherd with his flock. He is leading them to green pastures when a little lamb sees an attractive clump of grass and he wanders over to it. At that moment he is no longer following the shepherd. We would call the lamb’s behavior normal. God would call that lamb’s behavior, if it were human, sin.
Normality for mankind is to go our own way, to seek what we desire. That is the way of the world around us. That is the way of sin. Sin is natural because we are born sinners. Therefore God can indict everyone by using the inclusive word “all”. That is why everyone needs the last part of this verse, “The Lord has laid on him the iniquity of us all”. Christ took all our sins upon Himself when He died on Calvary. Because we all sin, we all need a Savior. Praise God, He gave one for us.

Dear Father, Thank You for providing a sin substitute for me. Amen. 

Abundant Grace can be found at my website, You can subscribe to this daily devotion and receive it free M-F simply by placing your email address on the sidebar to follow this blog by email. You can also find book publishing opportunities with Quality Christian Books plus fundraising opportunities for your Christian organization or youth group.

Monday, March 7, 2016

A Hidden Picture

He is despised and rejected of men, a man of sorrows acquainted with grief.” Isaiah 53:3
Have we ever really considered what it means to be like Jesus? We see His power to heal, and we like that. We see His compassion for the hurting, and we like that. We see His boldness to do the Father’s will, and we like that. We see Him on the cross dying for us, and we like the result of that. Today’s verse tells us something about Jesus that we seldom consider and probably don’t want to emulate.
Scripture tells us He was a man of sorrows. He just didn’t see grief; grief was one of His closest acquaintances. Some people try to tell us that Christians are supposed to be happy all the time. If we are not filled with giddiness, we are not truly spiritual. They seemed to have lost sight of the biblical Jesus. But even in sorrow and grief Jesus did trust the Father’s will, obey the Father’s commands, and show the Father’s love. We need to see both sides of Jesus, understand one and copy the other.

Dear Father, Help us to see and be like Jesus. Amen.

 Abundant Grace can be found at my website, You can subscribe to this daily devotion and receive it free M-F simply by placing your email address on the sidebar to follow this blog by email. You can also find book publishing opportunities with Quality Christian Books plus fundraising opportunities for your Christian organization or youth group.

Friday, March 4, 2016

Flash! News Bulletin! Take Shelter Immediately!

Who has believed our report?” Isaiah 53:1
There are people in this world that, when they hear a tornado warning, run outside to see it coming. The warning said “take shelter”. They believed the tornado was coming but they didn’t believe the report about taking shelter. The same is true for many people who live in low lying areas when there is a flood warning. They want to watch the water rise and then hope to get rescued. So, God asks this question, “Who has believed our report?”
Who has believed that God is a righteous Judge? Who has believed that sin brings death apart from Him forever? Who believes that the Son of God has come to seek and to save that which was lost? Who has believed that Jesus Christ, the Son of God, died for their sins? That is God’s report. Who has believed it? Those who do have God’s promise of eternal life. All of Isaiah 53 is the announcement of this truth that God calls on all mankind to believe.

Dear Father, Thank You for the warning and the provision for our salvation. Amen.

                                                The Friday Benediction
Until Monday, my friends, may the good God envelop you with His grace; may you prove the common confession of faith, “I believe in the holy Christian church and in the fellowship of the saints”, and may you be enriched with joy and hope as you exercise that confession this weekend.  Amen

Abundant Grace can be found at my website, You can subscribe to this daily devotion and receive it free M-F simply by placing your email address on the sidebar to follow this blog by email. You can also find book publishing opportunities with Quality Christian Books plus fundraising opportunities for your Christian organization or youth group.

Thursday, March 3, 2016

Who and How Far?

All the ends of the earth shall see the salvation of our God.” Isaiah 52:10
In ancient times each nation had its own god. The gods of Egypt were not worshiped in Greece. The gods of Babylon were not worshiped by the Teutonic tribes of Germany. The gods they worshiped were both local and abundant because each god had their own particular purpose. But the Israelites were different. The first commandment said, “You shall have no other gods before (also translated ‘beside’) Me. He stood alone and fulfilled the duties of all the various gods of all the various nations. He was not local because He is the only God who made everything therefore He is the God of the whole earth.
Since He is the God of the whole earth, He can offer salvation to the whole earth. There are no borders with God. His salvation extends to the remotest corners of this planet because He alone can forgive sin and offer salvation through the blood of His Son. That is why John could write, “For God so loved the world,” not just one place or people.

Dear Father, Thank You for salvation that is available to all. Amen.  

Abundant Grace can be found at my website, You can subscribe to this daily devotion and receive it free M-F simply by placing your email address on the sidebar to follow this blog by email. You can also find book publishing opportunities with Quality Christian Books plus fundraising opportunities for your Christian organization or youth group.

Wednesday, March 2, 2016

Choir Practice

With their voices they shall sing together, break forth into joy, sing together!”                 Isaiah 52:8-9
I like robust music. I like quiet contemplative music. I like doctrinal music. I like music that speaks from the heart of the redeemed. I like music. That’s good because God says to sing! The psalmist said, “Come before His presence with singing.” Try “Holy, Holy, Holy” by Reginald Heber. Isaiah says, “Shout for joy.”  Try “Praise Him, Praise Him” by Fanny Crosby.
But God asks us to do one more thing. While we can sing His praises in our daily devotions, we must also be singing in concert with our fellow believers. Unless we are disabled we should be singing together with our brothers and sisters in Christ every time we can get together and especially on the Lord’s Day. The Book of Revelation pictures millions of redeemed singing together in heaven. What a sound that choir will present. Since we will be singing together there, we should be practicing our songs together down here. God loves to hear our singing and loves to hear us doing it together.

Dear Father, Thank you for giving us a reason to sing. Amen. 

Abundant Grace can be found at my website, You can subscribe to this daily devotion and receive it free M-F simply by placing your email address on the sidebar to follow this blog by email. You can also find book publishing opportunities with Quality Christian Books plus fundraising opportunities for your Christian organization or youth group.

Tuesday, March 1, 2016

Better Than A Pedicure

How beautiful on the mountains are the feet of him who brings good news.” Isaiah 52:7
The world sells a lot of products so that a person can have beautiful feet. Two hundred years ago if a man saw a woman’s beautiful feet, they were practically engaged. Standards of expectation have certainly changed. But God’s expectation and declaration has not. His standard for beautiful feet is not a pedicure along with lotions to soften every part of the foot. His standard is what the feet are doing.
Think of how far Paul walked on his missionary journeys for over thirty years. Think of the callouses, the chipped toenails. God saw those feet as truly beautiful. Think of the colporteurs who have tramped through the mountainous regions of Asia to spread tracks and Christian literature to the unreached people who live there. Think of their calloused feet. God declares them beautiful. If our feet take us anywhere where we share the Good News of Christ, God declares our feet beautiful. For God we don’t need a pedicure. For God we feet that bear Good News.

Dear Father, Help us to see things as You see them. Amen. 

Abundant Grace can be found at my website, You can subscribe to this daily devotion and receive it free M-F simply by placing your email address on the sidebar to follow this blog by email. You can also find book publishing opportunities with Quality Christian Books plus fundraising opportunities for your Christian organization or youth group.