Wednesday, June 4, 2014

Creation’s First Day: Light

God is light and in Him is no darkness at all” 1 John 1:5 NKJV
If you ever watch your children or grandchildren draw a picture they normally put in the house and grass and trees and people and then the sun. Well, God didn’t start with the sun either, but He did make light on the first day. Perhaps He just let His nature be revealed and it lit up the entire universe. We know that in heaven there is no need of sun because the glory of God is all the light that is needed. Not only do we find that God is light, but the Scriptures also teach us that Jesus is light of the world.
The light of God is just as needed in our world today as it was at the beginning of creation. Today the world is wrapped in spiritual darkness, sin and despair. Jesus calls us to be the light of the world today. Paul calls upon us to be lights in a crooked and perverse generation. With Christ in us we have become partakers of the Divine Nature and can offer to the world that light which will brighten their day and their eternal destiny. 

Dear Father, Thank You for being light and shining it into our lives that we might be light as well. Amen.

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You may also enjoy the Gospel dog blog, “The Gospel According to Molly”, and the Alzheimer’s blog, “Taking Care of Joe” both found on my website.  

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