Wednesday, January 28, 2015

The Verse Heard 'Round the World

As it is written: ‘the just shall live by faith’.” Romans 1:17
How big of a spark does it take to light an inferno? This verse was the spark God planted into the soul of Martin Luther and lit a fire of spiritual rebirth not seen since the days of the early church. “How can we be right with God,” he asked. Daily he strove to be right through confession, self-denial, prayer, fasting, and more good works. He was worn out and no closer to God than when he had begun. Then he realized the importance of this verse.
We are not justified by works, for all our works are tainted by our own selfish motives and sin. We are justified by the work of Christ on the cross where He died to forgive us our sins. It is faith in His finished work that gives us hope and peace and assurance of heaven. Then we can live joyfully -- not only for eternity but for today as well. Then we will learn to trust Him for our everyday life as well as eternal life. We will live by faith.

Dear Father, Thank You for doing the work through Jesus Christ so that I might be saved and live with hope each day. Amen.

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