Monday, June 22, 2015

Are We God's Employees or His Servants?

Thus Noah did according to all that God had commanded him.” Genesis 6:22, 7:5
Jesus taught a great deal about servanthood. This is a topic that is quite foreign to the modern American mind but quite clear to those who heard Him speak. We tend to think in terms of employees with rights instead of servants with duties. I am a big fan of English mysteries, especially those that take place prior to WWII. Servants were the backbone of every large estate from king on down. Workers in their great houses did not think of themselves as employees, but as servants of one greater than themselves.
We see true servanthood in Noah. He did according to all that he was commanded. He did it though the work was hard and unrewarding. He did it for his master. The Bible records his obedience. Jesus told His listeners to look forward to hearing Him say, “Well done my good and faithful servant.” We are not His employees, but we are to be His servants. What words of reward will we hear from Him?

Dear Father, Thank You for letting us be servants in Your great house. Amen. 

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