Monday, June 8, 2015

Take God at His Word

He shall bruise your head, and you shall bruise His heal.” Genesis 3:15
In the two major creeds that are most often repeated weekly in many churches, it is declared that Christ was born of the Virgin Mary. Belief in the virgin birth has declined over the years into a belief in a birth by a young woman. Yes, Mary was a young woman who also happened to be a virgin. Genesis, Isaiah, Matthew, Luke, and Galatians all say so quite clearly. Many other passages in the Scripture imply it to one degree or another.
Genesis 3 portrays the ongoing struggle for power in our world between Satan and God. Satan had done his best to corrupt man and bring them to physical and eternal death. Apparently he had won, or at least he thought so. Man sinned and death began. But then God said, “You, Satan, shall be defeated, yes destroyed, by the seed of this fallen woman. You have not and will not prevail. My Grace shall prevail." Satan would lose it all at the hands of the virgin born Son of God.

Dear Father, Thank You for Grace through the virgin born Christ. Amen.

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