Wednesday, August 9, 2017

Seven Churches: Smyrna

In the world ye shall have tribulation: but be of good cheer; I have overcome the world.” John 16:33 KJV
Wouldn’t it be nice to be part of a church where God had nothing bad to say about it? Sadly there are now almost more ex-pastors in this country than active ones. It has become the average for a pastor to stay in the ministry for only five years. That isn’t just at one church but in the ministry period. The Church at Ephesus was wanting before God and was closed. The Church at Smyrna had a better recommendation from Christ.
The church was poor. We look today to have fine buildings at great expense. Many even preach the false doctrine of the prosperity gospel. The church was weak. We seem to think that the church should be the powerhouse in modern politics. The church was sorely abused by the world. We think we should be respected and set above others. But this poor, weak and abused church got an A+ rating from Christ. He had nothing to say against it. Interesting. What He did say to them was simply, “Keep the faith. I have not forgotten you.”

Dear Father, Thank You for the example of the Church at Smyrna. Amen. 

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