Tuesday, March 24, 2015

A Mother's Mission

Jochebed bare him Aaron and Moses.” Exodus 6:20
Jochebed was another woman who practiced civil disobedience. She is also a woman who demonstrated great practical wisdom and skillful planning. Do you suppose that Moses’ mother would have placed him in just any old spot on the Nile? Do you think she would have risked Miriam’s life in an area full of Nile crocodiles? Was it a random chance that Pharaoh’s daughter just happened to choose that place to bathe on that particular day? That is just a few too many coincidences.
Jochebed knew what she was doing. She was playing on the sympathies of another woman. She was counting on the other woman’s need of a wet nurse. Why was Miriam so quick to make that offer? But more than all of that, she was counting on being able to raise her son to know the Lord, and she went to great extremes to get it done. She was wise in preparing her children to become the next generation of godly people in Israel.

Dear Father, Help us remember to place the spiritual needs of our children foremost. Amen.

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