Monday, April 16, 2018

Who to Follow?

Blessed are you of the Lord, for you did not go after young men, whether poor or rich.” Ruth 3:10
How many offers does the world make to us each day to tear our attention away from Christ? There are the old Greek philosophies that get recycled every generation. There are the pagan cult options from ancient Canaan that focus on sexual immorality. There are the intellectual calls from a crowd apparently too well informed to believe in God. There is the newer and dramatically demanding call of sports to consume our time, attention, and resources.
Then there is Christ, our creator, savior, and keeper. From eternity past He has loved us and calls us to faith in Him. When Ruth went to Boaz to appeal to his relationship, He responded to her with praise. There were so many other options she could have sought out, but she sought out the one that God had designed in His word as the right choice. She had chosen the kinsman redeemer. We need, like Ruth, to heed only the call of Christ for our worship and devotion.
Dear Father, Help us to keep our hearts tuned only to the call of Christ. Amen

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