Monday, April 13, 2015

Happy Endings Are Found in Christ

So Boaz took Ruth, and she was his wife; and she bare a son.” Ruth 4:13
Do you like happy endings? I do. When someone suggests I read a certain book I always ask, “Does it have a happy ending?” This world is filled with unhappiness. There are wars, famines, sicknesses, evil perversions, tragedies and so on. I don’t need a book to see unhappiness; I just have to look out my window. I like happy endings and Ruth has one.
The Bible accurately reflects life. There is a great beginning followed by highs and lows. There are victories and tragedies. There is one constant, however, that is the darkness of sin. All of Scripture leads to the inevitable conclusion of death; but then came the Redeemer. Jesus Christ of Bethlehem, descendent of Boaz and Ruth, conquered death and changes the ending. In the end Christ restores all things and the beauty of the beginning pales in comparison to the beauty of the end. A new world, pure, clean, sinless; a new world unspotted by decay; a new world of life everlasting; a happy ending indeed.

Dear Father, Help us to always see the grandest ending is Christ. Amen.

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