Wednesday, June 24, 2015

Reminders to Remember

Then Noah built an altar to the Lord.” Genesis 8:20
Altar building was a common activity in the Old Testament. Abraham is called the altar builder because of how many he built. Altars were erected as memorials for something God had done, deliverance He had provided, guidance He had offered, and to offer up sacrifices to His glory. The first thing Noah did when he got off that Ark was to build an altar, probably for each and every one of those reasons.
We don’t need to build altars for sacrifice, but what about building them for all the other reasons? Do we have altars to declare His faithfulness, deliverance or special guidance? Do we thank Him first when His hand has done a great thing for us? Altars needn’t be of stone but they need to be formed in our hearts as a constant reminder that here is where the Lord did just what I needed. Each time we see them we need to offer upon them the sacrifice of praise for His love and grace.  

Dear Father, Prod our hearts to take note of the special graces You alone provide for us. Amen.

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