Wednesday, January 20, 2016

God Was Not Elected into Office

I will not arbitrate with a man.” Isaiah 47:3
In America we have little understanding of how life was in a monarchy five hundred years ago. The word of the king was law. If the peasant didn’t like the word of the king, the peasant could die. He had a choice. Absolute monarchies, whether past or present, have clearly defined guidelines of who’s the boss. In America we want to put God into the box of representative democracy. We get to vote on whether we like His laws or not. If we lose at the ballot box we take the issue to the courts and arbitrate our way to whatever we want.
God is not like that. God is the absolute ruler. He made us. He controls the universe and keeps things in order. He is not bound by our opinions. He cannot be voted out of office. And if we took things to court, He is the judge. Our political system doesn’t change the nature of God. But God calls on us to let His sovereignty change the way we are.

Dear Father, Rebuke our arrogance and give us the humility to know who You are. Amen. 

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