Wednesday, March 7, 2018

A Little Respect, Please

Render therefore to all their dues.” Romans 13:7
Many people are dues paying members of some organization or another. To remain as a member they must pay their dues. Fortunately Christians are not held to that high standard of some worldly organizations or many would be declared non-Christians for failing to pay their dues. That might sound harsh, but why don’t we pay our dues? Do we respect our leaders? The Bible says not to speak evil of our leaders and that applied to Caesar as well as Caiaphas, both very ungodly men. Civility and respect are part of our dues.
There are millions who have never heard the Gospel message. Jesus assigned us the task to tell others. It is their due to hear the Gospel message. God told Malachi to let God’s people know that we owe Him our tithes and offerings. That is His due. The two great commandments, love God and love our neighbor both reflect the dues we owe to God and man. We need to take stock at how we are doing at rendering to others their dues.
Dear Father, Help me to remember the debt I owe to man and God. Amen.

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