Thursday, July 23, 2015

Holding Up or Tripping Up the Brethren?

But Jacob said, ‘Sell me your birthright’.” Genesis 25:31
Yesterday we saw how Esau despised his birthright, but the additional tragedy is that it was his brother who induced him to do so. We are called to assist the brethren in their walk with God, not to seduce them to walk like the world. Jesus had harsh words for those who cause another to stumble. Paul had harsh words for those who put stumbling blocks before the brethren. We are called to support and encourage one another.
It wasn’t just Esau who suffered. While he despised his birthright and lost everything, Jacob lost years of happiness as well. He was exiled from home, tricked and deceived by others, faced ongoing family turmoil all because he robbed his brother. The book of Hebrews tells us to encourage one another. Paul tells us to be kind and tenderhearted to one another. Let us strive to uphold one another for the glory of God’s calling to all His children.

Dear Father, Help us to be helpers and a support to our brothers in Christ. Amen.

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