Wednesday, December 31, 2014

Don't Get in Jesus' Way

He must increase, but I must decrease.” John 3:30
How long does it take to achieve greatness? Writers, actors, musicians, and artists often slave away in obscurity longing for that break that will make them famous and rich. The core of man craves importance. Satan tempted Eve with being like God; really important and powerful. We imagine what we would do if we suddenly had “it all”. That is what we get up for and work for and seek. Who really wants to be the “nobody”? Nobody does. We want to be the prom king and queen and take that high school glory the rest of the way through our lives.
 John the Baptist saw it differently. He said that Jesus must increase and he must decrease. If we want to let Jesus shine in our lives we must do the same. In John 12 there were some Greeks in Jerusalem who came to the disciples and asked to see Jesus. They didn’t want to see the disciples; they wanted to see God manifest in the flesh. People all around us need to see Jesus. The question for each of us is, “Do they?” Or do we keep getting in the way. We must decrease and He must increase. If we do then He will and the world will truly see Him.

Dear Father, Help me each day to stand behind my Savior and not in front of Him. Let other people see Jesus and not me. Amen.  

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