Monday, December 15, 2014

God Revealed to Us

In the beginning was the Word and the Word was with God and the Word was God.”
John. 1:1
How do we express ideas? How do we understand ideas expressed by others? Yes, we use words. Words reveal an idea; they open up a window into the mind of the speaker or writer. We need words. In the Old Testament God spoke by words through the prophets so that His people and others as well might know the mind and will of God. Those inerrant words are recorded for us in clear language so that we can still know the mind and will of God.
John reveals another way that God conveyed Himself to us. It was through the Word, Jesus Christ. Jesus is the revelation of God to man. As Isaiah promised the virgin would give birth to a son who would be called Emmanuel, meaning God with us. Jesus Christ is the Word of God revealed in flesh and blood, very God of very God and very man of very man. Jesus told His disciples that those who had seen Him had seen God the Father. (Jn. 14:9) How do we know who God is and what He is like? We look at His Son Jesus Christ who is the word made flesh. (Jn. 1:2) Each day that we pick up our Bibles we need to see Jesus smiling back at us from the page. He is the Word of God.

Dear Father, Thank You for sending the true and eternal Word into our world that we may know You and come to You. Amen. 

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