Friday, December 26, 2014

Jesus is God, not Just a Teacher or Prophet

Rabbi, we know that You are a teacher come from God; for no one can do these signs that You do unless God is with Him.” John 3:2
Lots of people come to Christ with the same attitude of Nicodemus. He was a good religious fellow, an esteemed teacher among the Jews. They recognize that Jesus isn’t any ordinary man; but that He was very special. Today there are religious teachers that believe and teach that Jesus was an extraordinary man, a true example to live by, a great teacher, even a prophet. Even the Muslim world venerates Jesus as a prophet. Nicodemus wasn’t alone in his esteem for the man Jesus. But Jesus wanted Nicodemus to understand the full truth.
Jesus isn’t just a good man or a great man. He isn’t just a teacher, example, or prophet. Jesus is God in the flesh, fully God and fully man. When Nicodemus tried to protest that such faith in Jesus was beyond reason; Jesus appealed to Scripture. The Old Testament taught about the coming Messiah. “For unto us a Child is born, a Son is given, and the government shall be upon His shoulder; and His Name shall be called Wonderful Counselor, Almighty God, Everlasting Father, the Prince of Peace.” Jesus reminded Nicodemus that it taught that the Messiah would have to be lifted up as Moses had lifted up the serpent in the wilderness. Nicodemus understood the story and its meaning right away. Jesus was the Son of God who came into the world to offer forgiveness for sins and everlasting life. Don’t let anyone sell you short on who Jesus is. He is the only begotten Son of God, our Savior.

Dear Father, Thank You for making it so clear who Jesus is that anyone who looks at Your word may know Him. Amen. 

The Friday Benediction
Until Monday, my friends, may the good God envelop you with His grace; may you prove the common confession of faith, “I believe in the holy Christian church and in the fellowship of the saints”, and may you be enriched with joy and hope as you exercise that confession this weekend.  Amen

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